Study on Extraction of Oil Tea Seeds by Mix-solvents and Purification of Tea Saponin Using Macro-porous Resins; it is a powerful anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, an ti-viral agent. 混合溶剂浸取油茶籽及大孔树脂纯化茶皂素的研究茶树油具有抗真菌、抗细菌和抗病毒的功能。
The Purification Functions of a Biological Cleaning Agent on Aquaculture Water of Chinese Mitten Crab 一种生物净水剂对河蟹养殖水体水质净化效果研究
Improvement Method for Determination of Polymerized Ferric Sulfate in Water Purification Agent 水不溶物聚合硫酸铁含量测定方法的探讨
Water Purification by Hydrophytes and Change of Microorganism in Root Zone and Water The Purification Functions of a Biological Cleaning Agent on Aquaculture Water of Chinese Mitten Crab 水生植物净化中微生物变化及净化效果研究一种生物净水剂对河蟹养殖水体水质净化效果研究
The air purification agent ( 6) can be bamboo charcoal tablets. 空气净化物(6)可为竹炭粒。
Tar Pitch Purification and Production of Pitch as Impregnating agent 焦油沥青净化和浸渍剂沥青的生产
Study on the preparation method for lower-sampling and large-scale purification of a wound-healing agent: fibronectin 少加样高收效制备创伤修复剂纤维粘连蛋白的方法(英文)巨噬细胞与创伤修复
Research on producing a high efficiency water purification agent from waste residues containing aluminium during production of films 用胶片生产中的含铝废渣生产高效净水剂聚合氯化铝的研究
Mechanism of mutual enhancing ability of purification between photocatalysis agent and active carbon on air purification sieve 空气净化网上光催化剂和活性炭相互增强净化能力的作用机理
The results show that ferric ion as a catalyst can reach a higher purification efficiency and a larger sulphur capacity in absorption solution for tail gas in low oxygen content after surface active agent was added. 实验结果表明,用铁离子作催化剂,添加表面活性剂后,对低氧含量的尾气,吸收液具有较高的净化效率和较大的硫容量;
Research of Adsorption of Chitosan as Water Purification Agent for Cr 壳聚糖净水剂对Cr(Ⅵ)的吸附研究
A standing and layering process for the regenerated acid purification is described. The treating agent ANPA is added in regenerated acid and stood after agitation to purify it through layering. 介绍了净化再生酸的静置分层法,将处理剂ANPA加入再生酸中,搅拌后静置,使再生酸分层分离而得到净化。
It is introduced that the technology of using waste residues containing aluminum to produce a high efficiency water purification agent& polymeric aluminum chloride ( PAC) during the production of films. 介绍了利用胶片生产中含铝废渣生产高效净水剂聚合氯化铝的工艺技术路线。
Method on extraction and purification of tea saponin by using anhydrous alcohol as solvent and cholesterol as purifying agent was reported. 以无水乙醇为提取剂并采用改进的胆甾醇纯化法,得到了精制茶皂素。
On this condition, the leaching rate of metals were: Zn> 98%, Cd> 99%, Co> 99%, Ni> 98. ( 2) Purification of cadmium: Zinc dust was used as reducing agent. 在此条件下,Zn,Cd,Co,Ni的浸出率分别为98%,99%,99%,98%以上。(2)净化除镉:选用锌粉为还原剂。
The membrane technology applied in separation and purification of fluoresent whitening agent is described as well. 同时,介绍了膜技术在荧光增白剂分离及精制中的应用。
Re-titration measurement of aluminium sulfate in water purification agent with copper salt complexed with EDTA is described in this paper. This method is simple, convenient, rapid and accurate. 本文用EDTA络合&铜盐返滴定法测定净水剂硫酸铝,方法简便、快速、准确。
Re-titration Measurement of Aluminium Sulfate in Water Purification Agent with Copper Salt Complexed with EDTA EDTA络合&铜盐返滴定法测定净水剂硫酸铝
Study and Application of Fluorine Decreasing Purification Agent on Water Quality 水质降氟净化剂的研制和应用
Best Opportunity for Applying Purification Agent During Water Purifying 水质净化过程投加净化剂的最佳选择
Extraction of cobalt ⅴ; a study of scaled-up flowing test on Purification of Cu and Fe solution and on separation of CO from Ni with quaternary ammonium salt as extracting agent 钴萃取研究Ⅴ季胺盐净化铜铁及分离钴镍流动扩大试验
Novel Efficient Water Purification Agent Polyaluminium Sulfate 新型高效净水剂聚合硫酸铝
On the basec of previous studies, the author chose purification rosin and hydrogenated rosin as material to purported tackifier, zinc oxide and silica for stuffing bulking agent, lanolin, Vaseline and olive oil for softener. 在前期研究的基础上,选取纯化松香与氢化松香作为增粘剂配比的材料,氧化锌与二氧化硅作为填充剂配比的材料,羊毛脂、凡士林与橄榄油作为软化剂配比的材料。